Astrology is a science, a language and an art form.

Whether you “believe” in astrology or not, it’s no secret that we are each uniquely born and formed.

We are also each uniquely good at getting in our own way.

Astrology observes patterns related to the planets’ movements. Your natal chart is a map of the planets’ positions relative to the exact place and time you were born.  

Astrology synthesizes the layers of that map (planets, signs and house positions) to identify patterns consistent for thousands of years that are playing out in you too. 

Psychological astrology uses the information in your birth chart to describe patterns of thinking, your formative childhood experiences, and unique combination of strengths and challenges. 

Where do you want to go?


I specialize in helping people get out of their own way. If you’re feeling stuck and you’re not sure why, I can offer insight and partner with you to get untangled and on with your life.


Your birth chart can be a window back in time to your most formative experiences. Learn what energies are hard for you to access and find healing and wholeness.


Whether you’re wondering what career you’re suited for or working on a relationship, astrology can help. We’ll look at the way you’re currently being asked to evolve, and help you rise to the challenge.


Sometimes, you just need rest and care. We can work gently together to cultivate actual, pragmatic self-care and self-compassion. This is often the hardest direction to go.


  • Nope. There could be overlap in the topics and kind of introspection you do in therapy, but I am not a therapist or trained counselor. I interpret your birth chart to propose ways you’re consciously or unconsciously operating. I propel the conversation and you steer with your lived experience. From there, we can discuss challenges you’re facing and ways to navigate and improve your life.

  • I’m asking this so you don’t have to! While I don’t have any formal training or certifications, I’ve been studying astrology intensely for 5+ years. I work with the astrology “basics” (signs, planets, houses) but have worked to develop a deep ad intuitive understanding of their energies. This allows for nuanced, human-focused readings that are easy to digest and act on. I really value this work, and would be honored to work with you.

  • Yes! Each month I offer a free in depth written reading to a member of my email list. Sign up below for a chance to get a free reading!

    I want personal, accurate astrology to be more readily available! Don’t be afraid to reach out to discuss sliding scale possibilities or amended service offerings depending on your circumstance.

Hi! I’m Emma, the astrologer behind North Star Astrologic Counseling. I love introducing people to astrology beyond sun sign horoscopes, and the ways it can support us all in helping ourselves and others.

When I’m not working on astrology, I’m enjoying my non-profit job and being outside with my partner and our pups.